For though it may have seemed as if something inside of you has been lost, removed, taken, or just plain dry and barren, I sense the spirit of the Lord bringing forth restoration, restoration, restoration. Maybe you have felt like your relationship or connection with the Lord has been interrupted, delayed, or lost; but the Lord is restoring, and he is bringing back the JOY and PASSION of your salvation (Psalm 51:12).  He is restoring the passion, the excitement, the love, and the pleasure for him once again.   When the Spirit of God restores, He revives and He resuscitates to bring you back to life. Maybe you have experienced a long absence of not sensing his presence, not hearing his voice, uncertainty, and questioning many things.  But he has come to re-establish you, affirm you, and is bringing forth a rejoicing, a cheerful and joyous longing and passion for him, an expectancy, a hope, and a confidence in him once again!  A confidence in his nature and in his word are returning to you this very hour!  You shall rise up stronger than ever before because he has positioned and equipped you for greatness.  You shall exceed those who have gone before you!  You shall grab a hold of the plow and move forward!  The days of looking back are over.  The past has been left behind and the bright and glorious future and hope are awaiting your appearance and arrival!!!   It has been laid out for you so perfectly because he has gone before you and prepared the way (Psalm 139:5). The confident expectation of what God has promised has returned, because you have surely found strength in his remarkable faithfulness. 

By Stephanie Jones