In his 20s, my father experienced a moment that dramatically showcased the power of prayer. He was on a bus, heading out to meet my mother for a date when an unexpected bomb exploded. The explosion ravaged the bus, tragically claiming many lives.

In those days, communication was limited; there were no phones, and news traveled slowly. My grandparents first heard of the disaster over the radio and, fearing the worst, believed my father to be among those lost. Rushing to the hospital, they found my father in critical condition – the sole survivor of the explosion. The doctors were skeptical of his chances due to severe lung damage from the bomb’s shrapnel.

United in Prayer – Defying Medical Logic 

What followed was a remarkable testament of faith.  As my father lay in surgery, those who knew him – family, friends, and even distant acquaintances – united in fervent prayer. Against all odds, a miracle unfolded: my father survived. Yet, the doctors remained doubtful about his long-term prospects, citing severe lung damage.

A Life Sustained by Faith

This incident marked the beginning of my father’s incredible journey of resilience and faith. Despite repeated health scares over the next 40  years, his life continually defied medical prognoses. Each time when science reached its limits, it was prayer that carried him through.  (Doctors often expressed their astonishment, stating, “I can’t believe you are still alive.”).

One particularly critical moment occurred while I was serving as a missionary in Malaysia. Receiving word of his dire condition, I was preparing to return home. Yet, that night, God woke me to pray intensely for my dad. The next morning, I called my mom to check on him, and I found out from my mother that at the exact time I was praying, my father had coughed violently, stopped breathing, and seemed to have passed away. Miraculously, he drew breath again and recovered completely. He was able to live 15 more years. This is not just a coincidence; it was divine intervention at its clearest. 

Embrace the Power of Prayer

I share this story to instill in you the belief that immense power resides in prayer – a power that each of us possesses. By placing our faith in God’s Word and the authority of His name, we can witness miracles unfolding in our lives and the lives of those around us. Remember the words of Jesus: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:12-14). This promise from Jesus is not just a statement; it’s an invitation to experience the power of faith and prayer in a profound and personal way.

Anh Powers