“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  – John 15:7 (ESV)

While my spiritual grandfather was preaching the Gospel in one of the remote villages in Vietnam, he discovered their only source of water was a well. However, this well was far from a blessing; its waters were tainted, murky yellow, bitter, and impure, reflecting the hardship and struggle of the villagers’ daily lives. 

Moved by compassion and driven by faith, he saw an opportunity not just to preach but to act in God’s name. He boldly informed the villagers of his intention to pray for the purification of their water source. Word of this bold claim spread rapidly, stirring a mix of skepticism, hope, and sheer curiosity among the villagers. They congregated, eager yet doubtful, to witness the proclaimed power of the God my grandfather served. 

Standing by the well, with the villagers’ eyes upon him, with faith as his cornerstone, he called out to the God of heaven, beseeching God to purify the water. Following his prayer, he crafted a simple cross from a few sticks and cast it into the well as a symbol of faith. The moment the cross touched the water, a miraculous transformation unfolded. 

Before the very eyes of all present, the murky yellow faded to crystal clear, bitterness to sweetness, impurity to purity. Witnessing such a tangible display of God’s power shattered their doubts and opened their hearts to receive the Gospel.

Anh Powers