An Encounter with Jesus Face to Face 

I want to share my story. 

A few weeks ago or so, I had a face-to-face encounter with Jesus that changed my life forever. 

I was in my room, just pouring out my heart to the Lord. While there, I left things on the altar. I trusted God with everything, like my mom, and I fully surrendered it to Him. All I wanted was our Jesus because nothing else could compare. While I was in a place of stillness, waiting to hear from the Lord, all of a sudden, I started to feel His Presence around my hand. This was different from anything I had ever experienced. At that moment, I also saw the two Angels I often see and Holy Spirit. Then I saw Jesus face to face; He was holding my hand. I felt His hand holding mine as if I were to hold your hand. I started crying and was undone. I kept saying, “Jesus, you are Real,” over and over; I repeated, “Jesus, you are real.” Now, the people that know me know I believe Jesus is real and knew I was sold out for Him with everything in me before this experience. So, you can only imagine how I am now. 

When I settled down, the Lord began to minister to me and speak to me concerning some things, like my new name. From within, I kept hearing, “I’ll never be the same; I’ll never be the same.” I’m like, “okay.” Over and over, this happens. During this time with the Lord, Holy Spirit, and the Angels, I start having a vision playing before me. The Lord turns my focus to the vision, and long story short, I was to pray to prevent an accident that was fixing to take place. When everything was okay from praying, the vision closed up. Then more ministry took place within me. I’ve entered into a new dimension in the Spirit. ‘Fear of man’ that had my voice gripped has left me. The Spiritual Gifts have been strengthened within me. I’m full of Faith that’s mind-blowing, and this is a Holy Fire into a new level I never knew existed. Supernatural Energy and Strength and Peace and signs and wonders follow. It’s as if I got a brand-new mind. Eyes and ears opened to a new dimension. Memories of bad have gone away. I’m living in the present and not in the past anymore. It is being Born Again every day. What an amazing feeling that continues to get better and better and real devotion of Praise and Worship and Prayer 24/7 and the Word. It’s so awesome! This fire goes with me wherever I go, and I release it into the atmosphere. 

Pretty cool stuff, and what an Honor that God allows me to be a carrier of such a Great Holy Presence, and Angels are released to Co-labor with us. Great things are coming right ahead. I’m a brand-new person. 

I love y’all 

Blessings 🔥

-Mandy Brakefield