Today, I asked the Holy Spirit to possess every part of me AGAIN and continue to teach me how-to walk-in friendship with him. And he replied, I have been waiting for this moment, I have seen it, anticipated it and longed for this.  Thank you for opening up this friendship to even greater dimensions than you can even fathom.  I’m here! Do you know this? Do you really understand the depths of my love for you? Do you really receive the fullness of my love?  Come and drink, I have so much to give you, you will never be thirsty or in lack.  My heart is so enormous towards you and there’s more than you can even dream of.  Seek me like never before, let me lavish my love upon you so it pours out like oil. Let me lavish you with so much love.  Love that pours over and over and over again, a never ending supply of LOVE. Just for you!   

Will you let him lavish you today with his love?  He longs to pour it out! He longs to consume you in his love!

By: Stephanie Jones